Sr No | Organization Name | Uploaded Files | Naaccr Version | Upload Date & Time | User Account |
1 | Alabama statewide cancer registry | ASCR-V25-XML-user-dictionary-post-9-23-24 | v25 | 2024-09-23 09:20:45 | |
2 | Alaska cancer registry | alaska-naaccr-dictionary-250-v1-1 | v25 | 2024-09-17 12:52:36 | Julie Cleaton |
3 | Arkansas central cancer registry | arkansas-naaccr-dictionary-250-v1 | v25 | 2024-09-13 16:33:26 | Clint Lemons |
4 | California cancer registry | california-facility-to-ccr-naaccr-dictionary-250-v1 | v25 | 2024-09-30 22:08:25 | Ghenadie Ciornii |
5 | Colorado central cancer registry | CO-NAACCR-Dictionary-250-v1.0 | v25 | 2024-10-03 17:01:35 | Valerie Somma |
6 | Connecticut tumor registry | CT-naaccrdictionary-v24.xml_ | v25 | 2024-09-03 10:26:24 | |
7 | Georgia cancer registry | GA_v25_NoUserDictionary | Georgia cancer registry is not submitting a User Dictionary at this time. | 2024-08-28 07:48:40 | Jan Kres |
8 | Idaho cancer data registry of idaho | Idaho-naaccr-dictionary-250-v1 | v25 | 2024-09-13 16:39:57 | Randi Rycroft |
9 | Illinois state cancer registry | Illinols-NO-userdefined-V25XML-dictionary | Illinois state cancer registry is not submitting a User Dictionary at this time. | 2024-08-28 08:32:47 | Larry Hebert |
10 | Iowa state health registry of iowa | SHRI_v25_User_Dictionary-2 | v25 | 2024-11-05 09:14:39 | Jason Brubaker |
11 | Kansas cancer registry | KS-Data-Dictionary-Details | v25 | 2024-09-25 12:49:27 | Mollee Enko |
12 | Louisiana tumor registry | ltr-naaccr-dictionary-250 | v25 | 2024-09-25 08:56:28 | Brent Mumphrey |
13 | Maryland cancer registry | maryland-naaccr-dictionary-250-v1 | v25 | 2024-09-20 12:15:59 | Kirk Boyd |
14 | Minnesota cancer reporting system | NAACCR-V25-Clearinghouse | v25 | 2024-09-13 10:00:01 | Mona Highsmith |
15 | Missouri cancer registry and research center | UserDefined_V25-3 | v25 | 2024-12-03 13:13:25 | |
16 | Montana central tumor registry | MT-v25 | v25 | 2024-09-10 08:12:25 | Debbi Lemons |
17 | Nebraska cancer registry | Nebraska-naaccr-dictionary-250 | v25 | 2024-09-04 11:33:07 | Qianru Wu |
18 | New jersey state cancer registry | V25_user_datadictionary_note | v25 | 2024-09-13 12:34:13 | Jamal Johnson |
19 | New mexico tumor registry | NM-will-not-be-posting-a-v24-dictionary | New mexico tumor registry is not submitting a User Dictionary at this time. | 2024-09-17 13:48:37 | Barbara Evans |
20 | New york state cancer registry | nys-naaccr-dictionary-250 | v25 | 2024-09-17 14:08:47 | Stefan Winden |
21 | North carolina central cancer registry | North-Carolina-in-2025 | v25 | 2024-09-05 10:23:27 | Brian Knox |
22 | Ohio cancer incidence surveillance system | OhioXMLUserDictionaryV25-1 | v25 | 2024-09-04 09:42:49 | Kaitlin Kruger |
23 | Oklahoma central cancer registry | OK-NAACCR-V25-Data-Dictionary-Notes | v25 | 2024-09-05 15:08:21 | Christy Dabbs |
24 | Pennsylvania cancer registry | PA-User-Defined-Dictionary | v25 | 2024-09-18 11:16:28 | Christina McEachern |
25 | Rhode island cancer registry | RICR_UserDefined_V25 | v25 | 2024-10-30 14:20:36 | Lisa Garcia |
26 | South carolina central cancer registry | SCUserDefinedDictionary_250 | v25 | 2024-09-26 08:40:13 | Michael Castera |
27 | South dakota cancer registry | South dakota cancer registry is not submitting a User Dictionary at this time. | South dakota cancer registry is not submitting a User Dictionary at this time. | 2024-08-28 09:10:08 | Kay Dosch |
28 | Tennessee cancer registry | UserDefinedDictionary_250 | v25 | 2024-09-10 12:08:34 | Anne Llewellyn |
29 | Texas cancer registry | Texas-Cancer-Registry_No_v25_Dictionary | v25 | 2024-09-05 09:34:32 | Alejandra Martinez Camacho |
30 | Utah cancer registry | ucr-naaccr-dictionary-250-v5 | v25 | 2024-09-04 10:43:49 | Valerie Yoder |
31 | Vermont cancer registry | 2025-VT-Hospital-Edits-v25 | v25 | 2024-09-13 15:04:41 | Linda Bloschies |
32 | Virginia cancer registry | UserDefined_V25-1 | v25 | 2024-09-15 16:13:36 | Larry Kirkland |
33 | Virginia cancer registry | Virginia-State-Specific-Field-Definitions | v25 | 2024-09-15 16:14:53 | Larry Kirkland |
34 | West virginia cancer registry | WV_Cancer_Registry_No_v25_Dictionary | West virginia cancer registry is not submitting a User Dictionary at this time. | 2024-09-09 10:51:57 | Myra Fernatt |
35 | Wisconsin cancer reporting system | Wisconsin_NoUserDictionary_2025 | Wisconsin cancer reporting system is not submitting a User Dictionary at this time. | 2024-08-28 11:58:46 |
Funding for this web site content was made possible in part by a contract with Federal funds from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health and Department of Health & Human Services under Contract number 75N91021D00018 / 75N91021F00001. Additionally, funding for this web site content was made possible in part by a cooperative agreement with Federal funds from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cooperative Agreement number 1NU58DP007575. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NCI and CDC.
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