Cancer in North America CiNA Data Products

Cancer in North America CiNA Data Products


NAACCR receives de-identified population-based cancer data from member registries across the US and Canada. With permission from the registries, NAACCR combines the cancer incidence data from submitting registries into comprehensive datasets for analysis. These Cancer in North America (CiNA) datasets only include data from registries that meet NAACCR standards for completeness and quality. Researchers may request access to the CiNA datasets, irrespective of their affiliated institution’s geographic location.

Requirements for data access vary by product and, at a minimum, include a signed Data Use or Data Assurance agreement. Depending on the dataset, additional requirements may include working with a NAACCR member, NAACCR Research Application Review (RaPR) Committee Approval, and being a SEER institutional account holder.


  • CiNA Explorer is an on-line, publicly accessible, interactive data visualization tool for quick access to cancer incidence statistics for major cancer sites.
  • CiNA Maps is an on-line, publicly accessible, interactive mapping tool for quick access to cancer incidence statistics for major cancer sites for the most recent five years.
  • CiNA Public Use Dataset is a publicly accessible incidence dataset with limited data variables requiring only a signed Data Assurance Agreement for access.
  • CiNA Research Dataset is a de-identified incidence, survival, or prevalence dataset that may be used to conduct research. Proposals must be reviewed and approved by NAACCR, and individual registries must consent to participate before any research datasets are released. Researchers outside of central cancer registries may obtain data, as long as they have a NAACCR member collaborator. Data are released via SEER*Stat and require a SEER institutional account.

Delay Adjustment Factors and Rates

State-Level Delay Adjustment Factors are available to registry personnel for their own state as a Registry-Specific Dataset. National-Level Delay Adjustment Factors are available for research as a special request CiNA Dataset through DaRT Learn More.

We encourage registries to evaluate their state-specific delay adjustment factors and rates. To obtain access to the delay adjustment data for your state in SEER*Stat, please use DaRT.

To request any of the CiNA Datasets, including registry-only products such as delay-adjusted, please use DaRT, the NAACCR Data Request Tracking system.

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