Standards for Cancer Registries, Standard Data Edits, Volume IV

Standards for Cancer Registries, Standard Data Edits, Volume IV

Hospital registries preparing a submission for NCDB should download their metafile from here.

Edits Metafile and Associated Documents

The NAACCR Edits Metafile is a collection of data validations programs, or edits, applied to cancer data collected and reported in a standardized format, with standardized data definitions and recording instructions.  The development and release of new metafiles is overseen by the NAACCR Edits Workgroup, headed by the NAACCR Edits Administrator with the assistance of the Edits Metafile Administrator.

The NAACCR Edits Workgroup is composed of representatives from all the standard-setting agencies; representatives from the National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA), from central cancer registries, and from many of the cancer registry software vendors; and other interested persons.  The workgroup meets as required to review progress in and schedule release of new metafiles, to review and comment on new or modified edits, and to discuss any edit-related issues.

A major update is typically released every August or September for use in the following calendar year.  If needed, a minor minor update is released the following March. The NAACCR Edits Metafile includes sample edits for each standard setter that reflect the reporting requirements of that standard setters. The NAACCR Edits metafile is primarily used by central cancer registries to create custom edit metafiles that meet their individual reporting requirements.

Below you will find a link to the NAACCR Edits Metafile and associated documents. Under the Clearinghouse tab you will find links to central registry specific edit metafiles that have been posted by central registries.

A myNAACCR account is required to view posted metafiles, upload metafiles, download metafiles, or to subscribe for notifications.

The NAACCR  Edits Clearinghouse provides a space where central registries can share their central registry specific edit metafiles with other central registries, software vendors, and users of their registry metafile.

Central Registries are strongly encouraged to post the most current version of their central registry metafile.

  • Multiple metafiles can be posted as well as documentation related to the metafile.
  • To post your metafiles and/or associated documentation, use our Metafile Upload Portal.
    • If you choose to not upload a metafile, you should still post a document explaining where information concerning the metafile can be found and a contact person who can answer question concerning the metafile.
  • To subscribe to registries and get email notifications when new files are uploaded, visit our Subscribe to Registries Page.

A message of “Forbidden Location” occurs if the registry did not upload a file

Order by :

Have you posted or updated your XML  user dictionary? 

NAACCR Edits Metafile V25

Webinar for Central Registry Edit Metafile Administrators 8/29/24 at 2ET

NAACCR Edits Metafile V24A

Webinar for Central Registry Edit Metafile Administrators 5/24/24

NAACCR Edits Metafile V24

Webinar for Central Registry Edit Metafile Administrators 9/13/23


NAACCR Edits Metafile V23B

Note: The v23A metafile was removed due to errors in multiple edits. Please see the v23B changes spreadsheet for detailed descriptions of edit changes. We strongly recommend registries update their central registry metafile to v23B. Please check that you are using the metafile posted on 5/10/2023.

Issues identified in the v23B metafile that will be corrected in the next metafile release

Posted 8/30/23


NAACCR V23A Changes spreadsheet (1/24/23)

  • This spreadsheet includes corrections that will be included in the next release of the NAACCR metafile.
  • If an edit does not seem to be working correctly, please review this spreadsheet to see if the issue has been previously reported.

V23 Workshop for Central Registry Edits Metafile Administrators 9/29/22.

Recording of session

Slides from session

During this workshop we will carefully reviewed the v22B-v23 Changes Spreadsheet, previewed the latest Northcon update,  saw a demonstration on how to convert a v22B metafile to v23, and discussed changes to the Edits Clearinghouse. Registration.

Posted 9/5/2022

NAACCR Edits Metafile V22B

v22B Workshop for Central Registry Edit Metafile Administrators (3/31/22)

During this workshop we carefully reviewed the v22Ato v22B changes spreadsheet, demonstrated how to convert a v22A metafile to v22B, and discussed updating the data Edits Clearinghouse. Please contact [email protected] for  more information or to register.


Posted 4/4/2022

NAACCR Edits Metafile V22A

  • The v22 metafile posted on 8/30/21 had a problem with the layout and should not be used. Instructions for updating a v22 metafile to v22A are below.
  • Instructions for converting a v21B metafile to V22A will be posted soon.
  • Edit Detail Report – NAACCR v22 Edit Detail Report (coming soon)

v22 Workshop for Central Registry Edit Metafile Administrators (9/20/21)

During this workshop we will carefully reviewed the v21B to v22A changes spreadsheet, demonstrated how to convert a v21B metafile to v22A, and discussed updating the data dictionary in GenEDITS. Please contact [email protected] for  more information or to register.


Posted 3/15/21

  • Version 21B Metafile – NAACCR v21B Metafile. (Posted 3/15/21)
    • Instruction for updating a v21A metafile to v21B (Coming Soon)

v21B Workshop for Central Registry Edit Metafile Administrators 3/19/21

During this workshop we carefully reviewed the v21A to v21B changes spreadsheet, demonstrated how to convert a v21A metafile to v21B, and discussed updating the data dictionary in GenEDITS.


Posted 10/11/20


Posted 08/31/2020

  • Edit Detail Report – NAACCR v21 Edit Detail Report (coming soon)
  • Corrections Spreadsheet – This document describes issues identified in the current metafile and describes how these issues will be corrected in the next edits metafile release.

If you have identified a potential edit issue, please review this document to see if it has previously been reported.

For more information about on-going edit issues or to submit an issue, see the NAACCR Edits Forum


Posted 09/03/2019

                    • Corrections Spreadsheet – This document describes issues identified in the current metafile and describes how these issues will be corrected in the next edits metafile release.
                    • If you have identified a potential edit issue, please review this document to see if it has previously been reported.
                    • For more information about on-going edit issues or to submit an issue, see the NAACCR Edits Forum


Posted 4/5/19

  • Corrections Spreadsheet Updated 6/5/19
    • This document describes issues identified in the current metafile and describes how these issues will be corrected in the next edits metafile release.
      • If you have identified a potential edit issue, please review this document to see if it has previously been reported.
      • For more information about on-going edit issues or to submit an issue, see the NAACCR Edits Forum

Posted 10/5/18

Posted 8/22/18

Posted 5/31/17

  • NAACCR v16E Edits Detail Report – PDF with descriptions of all edits. Please download and open in Adobe if bookmark navigation does not work in your browser.
  • Version 16E For EDITS50 – NAACCR V16E metafile converted to SQLite for EDITS50 (EditWriter 5) with tags and script.

Posted 2/17/17

  • Version 16D For EDITS50 – NAACCR V16D metafile converted to SQLite for EDITS50 (EditWriter 5) with tags and script.

Posted 10/21/16

  • Version 16C For EDITS50 – NAACCR V16c metafile converted to SQLite for EDITS50 (EditWriter 5) with tags and script.

Posted 10/6/16

Posted 8/2/16

  • NAACCR v16A Edit Sets – Spreadsheet listing all edits and showing what edit sets they are included in

Posted 6/20/16

  • NAACCR v16 Edit Sets – Spreadsheet listing all edits and showing what edit sets they are included in
  • NAACCR v15A Edit Sets – Spreadsheet listing all edits and showing what edit sets they are included in
  • NAACCR v15 Edit Sets – Spreadsheet listing all edits and showing what edit sets they are included in


Manuals and Training Videos


Training Videos

For previous versions, or questions please contact Jim Hofferkamp, NAACCR Program Manager of Education and Training.

Questions on current edits or suggestions for new edits may be submitted to the Edits Forum for Vendors and Central Registry Metafile Administrators

Hospital registries preparing a submission for NCDB should download their metafile from

Questions concerning NCDB/RCRS edits should go to [email protected]

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