RX Summ Treatment Status Edit Issue

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    AnonymousMichael Castera

    I cannot figure out why the attached edit cannot be resolved and was wondering if there was an issue with the edit or if there was something in the data fields that is causing the edit to not be able to be resolved. This is a scenario where the patient did not have any treatment and the Class of Case is 14 with the Date 1st Course Treatment being coded with a valid date. I need help figuring this one out. Thanks.

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    Jim Hofferkamp

    I think the edit that is giving you a problem is RX Summ–Treatm Stat, Treatment (COC) N1601.

    Is this a pre-2018 case?

    If yes, could you tell me what is in phase 1 rad tx volume? What about Rad Regional RX modality?

    If this is a 2018 case, could you tell me what is in Phase 1 Rad Primary Treatment Volume?

    Below is the edit description for when treatment status is 0.

    2. If RX Summ–Treatment Status = 0 (no treatment) or 2 (active surveillance), then the
    treatment fields must all indicate “no treatment”.
    Treatment is considered “not given” if all of the following conditions are true:
    RX Summ–Surg Prim Site = 00, 98
    RX Summ–Surg Oth Reg/Dis = 0
    RX Summ–BRM = 00, 80-88
    RX Summ–Chemo = 00, 80-88
    RX Summ–Hormone = 00, 80-88
    RX Summ–Transplnt/Endocr = 00, 80-88
    RX Summ–Other = 0, 7-8
    if diagnosis date < 2018 and Phase I Radiation Primary Treatment Volume is blank, Rad--Regional RX Modality = 00 if diagnosis date 2018+, Phase I Radiation Primary Treatment Volume = 00

    AnonymousHelen Gosnell

    Hi, Jim. This came from our facility. The case submitted to SCCCR was diagnosed in 2018. The case below is another one diagnosed in 2019. They are both lung cases that were diagnosed by a mediastinal lymph node biopsy and the patients had palliative pain meds only, no treatment.

    The edit below will not let us code Rx Summ-Treatment Status as 0 if the Scope of Regional Lymph Node Surgery is coded to 1. I changed the Scope of Regional Lymph Node Surgery to 0 and no longer got this edit. The only Scope of Regional Lymph Node Surgery codes allowed for Treatment Status=0 are 0 and 9 according to the v18c Edit Details file. The edit tag is N6065.

    Error Number: 1 (4874)
    Edit Name: RX Summ–Treatm Stat, Treatment, Schema ID, blanks (NAACCR)
    Edit set Name: Elekta18C – Extended
    Edit Error Message: Conflict between RX Summ–Treatment Status and treatment codes
    Field(Pos): RX Summ–Treatment Status (2224)=> 0
    Field(Pos): RX Summ–Surg Prim Site (2225)=> 00
    Field(Pos): RX Summ–Scope Reg LN Sur (2227)=> 1
    Field(Pos): RX Summ–Surg Oth Reg/Dis (2228)=> 0
    Field(Pos): RX Summ–BRM (2247)=> 00
    Field(Pos): RX Summ–Chemo (2243)=> 00
    Field(Pos): RX Summ–Hormone (2245)=> 00
    Field(Pos): RX Summ–Transplnt/Endocr (2241)=> 00
    Field(Pos): RX Summ–Other (2249)=> 0
    Field(Pos): Reason for No Radiation (2250)=> 1
    Field(Pos): Phase I Radiation Treatment Modality (2285)=> 00
    Field(Pos): Schema ID (1726)=> 00360
    Field(Pos): Primary Site (554)=> C340
    Field(Pos): Histologic Type ICD-O-3 (564)=> 8070
    Field(Pos): Date of Diagnosis (544)=> 2019xxxx

    The Rx Summ–Treatm Stat, Treatment (CoC) [edit tag N1601] does not include Scope of Regional Lymph Node Surgery as a field in the edit so the case passes that edit.

    Jim Hofferkamp

    Hi Helen,
    This is a known edit issue. We changed the logic so it doesn’t check scope of regional ln surgery against treatment status.

    I recommend coding it correctly and saving it as incomplete until you get the updated metafile. The new metafile should be released in a couple of weeks, but it may be a couple of months before the updated metafile makes it to your facility!

    AnonymousLouise Widmer

    I’m getting a similar edit on SSDI Schema 00822: RX Summ-Surg Prim Site, Schema ID, Primary Site (COC). “Conflict among RX Summ-Surg Prim Site: 00, Primary Site: c162, and Schema ID:00822
    Patient didn’t have surgery
    this is a 2019 case. Is this a known issue or am I missing something?

    Jim Hofferkamp

    are you using v18D?

    AnonymousKathleen Porter

    Hello, I have a situation in which treatment (immunotherapy) was planned, but records are not available to know if it was actually done; no other tx was planned. I coded as such:

    Immunotherapy: 88 “Immunotherapy recommended, unk if administered”
    All other tx fields coded to 00.
    Rx Summ-Tx status: 9 “Unk if tx was given”

    I get an edit “Conflict between Rx Summ–Treatment Status and treatment codes.” The only way I can clear it is by changing Immunotherapy to ’99’, which does not accurately reflect the true situation of ‘recommended, unk if administered’. Any tips on how to code this situation?

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