March 31st, 2020 by Tyler Scott | NAACCReview Home Leave a comment

Paulo Pinheiro, MD MSc PhD

Research Associate Professor

Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Public Health Sciences, Division of Epidemiology & Population Health Sciences, University of Miami School of Medicine


Cancer is the leading cause of death among all Hispanics combined. Hispanics comprise 17% of the United States population and are heterogeneous with unique genetic admixtures and widely variant socioeconomic profiles which impact their cancer patters. They are known to be undercounted at the cancer registry level, largely due to the Hispanic NOS category. The lower incidence, lower mortality, and relatively comparable survival among Hispanics in relation to non-Hispanic Whites, has been frequently cited as examples of the Hispanic Paradox and the Healthy Immigrant Effect. However, aggregate estimates for all Hispanics mask considerable variation, with high incidence and poor cancer outcomes seen among some segments of the Hispanic population that deserve additional targeted efforts to reduce disparities. Therefore, in order to provide effective public health and clinical interventions, accurate incidence, survival, and mortality rates of Hispanics by specific subgroup are critical.

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