2018 Implementation Information
This page is intended to be a source of information for central registries, hospital registries, and software vendors. On this site you will find information concerning new data items, edits, rules for determining multiple primaries and histologies, updates to histology codes, and educational activities. You can expand and close sections below by clicking on the section titles.
Recent release of NCI SEER V.18 Implementation as of 2018-08-10
This year has been an ongoing, all-consuming race to develop the software and references needed to implement 2018 NPCR staging requirements. We understand not having the tools and training to abstract cases is a cause of major frustration and anxiety for the NPCR surveillance community. In May, when I spoke at NCRA, we were confident to have all of the outstanding pieces in place by June. In June, at NAACCR when we met with the standard setters to assess readiness, the timeline moved to July. Unfortunately, we are now in August. Given the current situation and the major disruptions that delays in developing certain v18 data items imposed on cancer registry operations both at the hospital and central registry level, we have been exploring options to decrease the workload required for this year’s Call for Data and requirements for 2018 cases.
To that end, we will once again be modifying the specifications for this year’s Call for Data, and the requirements for cases diagnosed in 2018 as follows:
NPCR 2018 Call For Data
-Submit in v16 only (v18 not required or accepted)
CHANGES in Requirements for cases diagnosed in 2018
-Collect 2018 cases in Summary Stage 2018, directly coded only
-Include a subset of SSDIs (see revised data table)
Not Required:
-EOD and derived SS18 not required by NPCR from dually funded states
-TNM staging will not be required by NPCR (We will continue developing the API for our stakeholders)
TIMELINE for release of various products:
-TNM 8 API will be released mid-August to the following stakeholders by CDC/NPCR:
-CDC/NPCR Grantees that plan on receiving TNM 8 data through Registry Plus or other registry developed software – voluntary only. TNM is NO LONGER required in any form for 2018 cases
-Vendors that support CoC / Non-CoC facilities and that have a license from AJCC
-Several Canadian Providences that have a license from AJCC
-The team working on a prototype for a TNM stage calculator
-CAP Checklist SDC users (prototype version of Web Plus)
-STORE Manual (final version) is expected to be released mid-August by CoC
-NAACCR 18 edits metafile will be released mid-August by NAACCR and CDC/NPCR
-NorthCon 18 (with radiation codes conversion) will be released late-September by CDC/NPCR
-Abstract/Web Plus for NAACCR 18 will be released late-September by CDC/NPCR
-Sample code that uses the TNM 8 API will be released to vendors late-September by CDC/NPCR
– We anticipate that commercial vendor cancer registry software for CoC facilities may not be released until October or later
-CDC/NPCR grantees using CRS Plus will not be required or advised to convert to NAACCR 18 until after data submission in November
The most recent data item list may be found here: Updated REQ Data Item List for Summary Stage Only
Questions can be sent to ([email protected]) or the [email protected] mailbox.
AJCC 8th Edition
AJCC 8th Edition will be used beginning with cases diagnosed 1/1/2018. For more information on the AJCC Staging System, how to purchase the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual 8th edition, a review of staging rules, and errata to the 8th edition, education and training, and AJCC news, please visit the AJCC website.
Summary Stage / EOD
Beginning with cases diagnosed in 2018 registrars will assign (or derive) summary stage based on Summary Stage 2018. This is the first update to the Summary Stage system since 2001.
EOD (Extent of Disease) consists of three data items that can be used to calculate a stage group and Summary Stage 2018. The three data items are:
- EOD Primary Tumor
- EOD Lymph Nodes
- EOD Mets
- Schema specific Summary Stage 2018 and EOD codes / coding instructions – 5/2
- Summary Stage 2018 manual and the EOD General Instructions – 5/2
PDF version available
NAACCR Site Specific Data Items and Grade website- 8/28/18
The NAACCR Site Specific Data (SSDI)/ Grade page includes schema specific codes and coding instructions, a .pdf of the SSDI Manual, and a .pdf of the Grade Manual.
Site Specific Data Items (SSDI) are similar to the Site Specific Factors (SSF) collected with Collaborative Stage. These data items are specific to certain site/histology combinations. For example, the SSDI’s for breast will be used to collect information such as estrogen receptor status, progesterone receptor status, Her2 status, Nottingham grade, and additional information related to primary tumors of the breast. The information collected in these data items are specific to breast.
Beginning with cases diagnosed in 2018 grade information will be collected in three fields; Clinical Grade, Pathological Grade, and Post-Therapy Grade. Within the Grade Manual you will find definitions for the three new grade data items, coding instructions, and the site/histology specific grade tables.
The ICD-O-3 Implementation Task Force has approved new codes, changes in behavior codes, and new terms associated with current codes. These changes reflect updates to the WHO Classifications for Tumors (Blue Books). The new codes, new terms, and change to behavior codes for all cases diagnosed 1/1/18 and later. The new codes, new terms, and codes with changes to behavior are listed in the .pdf table and in the excel table. The two tables are identical.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program Solid Tumor Task Force are posting draft versions of the 2018 Solid Tumor Coding Rules so that registrars may assess the revised rules prior to the final rules being posted.
6/28/18-The final version of the following sections have been posted to the SEER website
- General instructions
- Colon
- Lung
- Breast (an errata has been posted. See Revision History)
- Kidney
- Urinary Sites
- Malignant CNS and Peripheral Nerves
- Non-malignant CNS Tumors
Solid tumor rules for Head and Neck are expected to be released in the near future.
The module for Cutaneous Melanoma will not be updated for 2018 cases. A revision is possible for 2019. The Other module has only minor changes for 2018. Rectosigmoid and rectum have been moved from the Other module to the colon module. Peripheral nerves has been moved from the Other chapter to the Malignant CNS and Peripheral Nerves module. The 2007 Multiple Primary and Histology rules should be used for sites covered in the Cutaneous Melanoma and Other modules.
For complete information and to download the Solid Tumor Rules click the link below.
The NAACCR v18 Edits metafile and associated documentation has been posted to the Standards for Cancer Registries, Standard Data Edits, Volume IV page.
The Edits metafile will be released in an .smf format only. NAACCR no longer supports previous versions of Edit Writer (.erf and .rmf). An overview presentation on using Edit Writer 5 has been posted at https://education.naaccr.org/2018-implementation
Education and Training Calendar
At the link below you will find events, webinars and educational resources offered by NAACCR and our partners. This calendar will be updated frequently. If you have an event you would like added to this calendar please contact [email protected].
2018 Implementation Webinar Series
- Solid Tumor Rules
- Grade
- Radiation
- Summary Stage 2018
2018 Implementation Guidelines
The 2018 Implementation Guidelines and Recommendations are posted to the Central Registry Standards, Implementation Guidelines page.
2018 Implementations and Timeline Update
- Version 1.9 – 8/2/18
NAACCR and the standard setting agencies developed the 2018 Implementations and Timelines document to keep the cancer surveillance community abreast of the many activities in 2018. All agencies are diligently working to meet the deadlines in the timeline. Please note that there are dependencies in the timeline and if something is delayed it will impact other deadlines.
Version 18 Record Layout
- Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout
*This document was removed when Version 18 Data Standards and Data Dictionary was released
Standards Volume II
- Standards Volume II, Chapter X DRAFT
*This document was removed when Version 18 Data Standards and Data Dictionary was released
2018 Implementations and Timeline Update
- Version 1.8 – 5/15/18
NAACCR and the standard setting agencies developed the 2018 Implementations and Timelines document to keep the cancer surveillance community abreast of the many activities in 2018. All agencies are diligently working to meet the deadlines in the timeline. Please note that there are dependencies in the timeline and if something is delayed it will impact other deadlines.
Version 18 Record Layout
- Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout
*This document was removed when Version 18 Data Standards and Data Dictionary was released
Standards Volume II
- Standards Volume II, Chapter X DRAFT
*This document was removed when Version 18 Data Standards and Data Dictionary was released
- 2018 Concurrent Abstracting Overview Statement – updated 12/20/17
The December 20th update includes the Canadian Council of Cancer Registries statement.
Annotated Histology List
As an aid to registry software vendors for implementing the 2018 histology changes, we are making an Excel file of ICD-O-3 histology codes available. This file has been maintained by the Registry Plus team at CDC’s NPCR for several years and reflects modifications to ICD-O-3 implemented by cancer registries over time. It is sorted by ICD-O-3 morphology, then behavior, then by preferred True or False, and then alphabetic by description for the non-preferred terms. The primary intent of this document is for registry software vendors to utilize for picklists and/or quality control of existing picklists for ICD-O-3 histologies.
Characteristics of the file include:
- Comprehensive. Includes codes that were replaced or made obsolete over time.
- Annotated. Descriptions include usage notes in square brackets, where appropriate, based on documentation from NAACCR’s ICD-O-3 working groups. Codes that have been made obsolete are labeled ‘[obs]’.
- Examples:
- Adenocarcinoma, pancreatobiliary-type (C24.1) [2015-2017. FOR 2018+ USE 8163/3]
- Invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma (C34._) [LUNG ONLY, 2018+, DO NOT USE 8480]
- Oligodendroblastoma (C71._) [obs]
- Examples:
- Preferred terms flagged. Synonyms and related terms are included, but for each combination of histology and behavior in the list, one term is flagged as the preferred term (Preferred Term column entry set to TRUE) for use in reports.
- Multiple entries with permutations of words. Descriptions with multiple words are listed multiple times with different word order. All of these have the Preferred Term column entry set to FALSE.
- Examples:
- Preferred term: Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ (C50._) [2018+. IF INVASIVE USE CODE 8520/3]
- Carcinoma in situ, lobular, pleomorphic (C50._) [2018+. IF INVASIVE USE CODE 8520/3]
- Lobular carcinoma in situ, pleomorphic (C50._) [2018+. IF INVASIVE USE CODE 8520/3]
- Examples:
Although this list has been reviewed multiple times, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy. This list is not a substitute for referring to various standard-setter documents and implementation guidelines that have been released over the years. End users should first review the 2018 Solid Tumor Rules for coding guidance. Changes to the hematologic and lymphoma codes have been especially numerous and complex over time. We recommend that all hematologic and lymphatic malignancy codes be selected based on SEER’s Hematopoietic Project, available here: https://seer.cancer.gov/tools/heme/
Although the 2018 implementation of new radiation data items and terminology sounds extensive, the information being collected is very similar to what is already being collected in CoC-accredited facilities. As a result, conversion/mapping of values from historical radiation data items will occur upon upgrade to v18-compliant software, and once upgraded only the new data items will be displayed and abstracted within the v18-compliant software. Please find a link to the radiation conversion specifications below.
9/25/18 updated annotated histology spreadsheet ins software vendor section. Minor changes-Added C09.9 to codes 8085 and 8086
8/23/18- ICD O 3 Histology Revision documents were updated with minor changes
8/23/18 Edits Sections was updated and v18 edit metafile, associated materials, and training video added to Edits page
8/23/18-Annotated histology list added to Software Vendors Section
8/09/18 – Registration for Solid Tumor rules added to Education Section
8/09/18 – Radiation Conversion Specs posted
7/16/18-Updated the ICD_03 Coding Tables. See Errata for changes. Added Kidney to the list of Solid Tumor Modules marked as complete.
7/05/18 – Added Radiation Conversion Specifications section
7/02/18 – Added the Q&A and Case Scenario answers for the radiation webinar to the Education and Training section and updated Solid Tumor Rules section
5/18/18 – Added the recording link for the Radiation Webinar and updated documents for the Radiation and Grade Coding Rules webinars
5/16/18 – Added 2018 Implementations and Timeline Update Version 1.8
5/04/18 – Updated information for the 2018 New Grade Coding Rules Webinar
5/02/18 – Updated Stage section
4/26/18 – Added four documents for two upcoming webinars
4/25/18 – Added registration links for two upcoming webinars
4/23/18 – Updated 2018 ICD O 3 documents
4/10/18 – Added link to the NAACCR Site Specific Data Items website
4/09/18 – Added 2018 Implementations and Timeline Update Version 1.7
4/05/18 – Added the slides and Q&A document for webinar session #4
4/02/18 – Updated 2018 SSDI Manual DRAFT and 2018 Grade Manual DRAFT documents
3/29/18 – Added 2018 Implementation Guidelines Draft document
3/22/18 – Added links for the 2018 Solid Tumor Coding Rules webpage and NAACCR Education & Training Calendar
3/21/18 – Added recording link for the 3/20 webinar “2018 Implementation Update: Session 4”
3/13/18 – Added information regarding the 4th informational webinar scheduled for March 20, 3:00-4:30 ET
3/08/18 – Added NAACCR 2018 API Plans V1.0 document
3/08/18 – Added 2018 SSDI Manual Appendix A and B documents
3/08/18 – Updated 2018 SSDI Manual DRAFT and 2018 Grade Manual DRAFT documents
3/02/18 – Removed Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout and Standards Volume II, Chapter X Draft documents due to release of Version 18 Data Standards and Data Dictionary
2/16/18 – Added SSDI/GRADE section which includes two draft manuals
2/13/18 – Added 2018 Software Vendor Webinar II
2/13/18 – Added Software Vendors section
2/13/18 – Added 2018 Implementations and Timeline Update Version 1.6
2/07/18 – Added PDF of Standards Volume II, Chapter X DRAFT
2/02/18 – Added PDF of 2018 ICD 0 3 Coding Table sorted alphabetically
1/22/18 – Updated the Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout document
1/10/18 – Updated 2018 ICD O 3 Coding Guidelines and coding tables
1/08/18 – Updated the Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout document
12/28/17 – Updated the Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout document
12/20/17 – Updated 2018 Concurrent Abstracting Overview Statement
12/20/17 – Added three documents to the ICD O 3 Histology Revisions section
12/19/17 – Added recording link and slides for the 12/18 webinar “2018 Implementation Update: Session 3”
12/18/17 – Updated the Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout document
12/15/17 – Added Concurrent Abstracting Statement and Timeline Update Version 1.5
11/28/17 – Updated the Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout document
11/27/17 – Updated the Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout document
11/16/17 – Updated the Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout document
11/14/17 – Added 2018 Implementations and Timeline Update Version 1.4
11/09/17 – Added excel document Standards Volume II Version 18 Record Layout under Implementation Timeline section
11/02/17 – Added recording link for the 11/1 webinar “2018 Vendor Update”
10/20/17 – Added recording link and slides for the 10/20 webinar “2018 Implementation Update: Session 2”
10/04/17 – Added information for upcoming NAACCR Talk “What’s new in Staging for 2018?”
10/03/17 – Added 2018 Implementations and Timeline Update Version 1.3
10/03/17 – Added V18 New Data Items
9/26/17 – Added email subscription option to the page.
10/26/18-Added Summary Stage 2018 webinar information to Education and Training Section
2018 Implementation Webinars
Session 4: Held on 3/20/18 and included perspectives on delays in finalizing 2018 materials, updates on 2018 Implementation Guidelines, coding manuals/API’s and planned educational offerings on 2018 changes.
- 2018 Implementation Update: Session 4 (recording no longer available)
Session 3: This webinar on 12/18/17 provided updates on the timeline, guidance for registries doing concurrent abstracting, and information on AJCC chapter-specific and new histology codes for 2018.
- 2018 Implementation Update: Session 3 (recording no longer available)
Session 2: This webinar on 10/20/17 featured presentations by AJCC and SEER. Standard setters also discussed their stage data collection requirements.
- 2018 Implementation Update: Session 2 (recording no longer available)
Session 1: During this webinar on 8/8/17 the timeline and SSDI’s were discussed.