International and Global Cancer Surveillance
Welcome to the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries’ International and Global Cancer Surveillance Hub. The purpose of this Global Cancer Registry-Centered Surveillance site is to:
- Build and enhance ties with cancer surveillance organizations in the international arena.
- Improve the worldwide availability of cancer registry-centered surveillance data, strengthen regional cancer surveillance networks, and improve resource sharing between high quality cancer surveillance systems and middle/low resource environments.
- Facilitate communications and knowledge transfer through NAACCR members to provide a direct and tangible benefit for low resource countries.
- Enhance engagement and provide training tools for building capacity and enhancing cancer registry-centered surveillance in middle and low resource countries.
This initiative is supported through a contract task order with the National Cancer Institute Contract NumberHHSN261201400004I; Task Order HHSN26100004. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Cancer Institute. Without their support, this initiative would not be possible.
Improving Standardization and Data Quality in Caribbean Cancer Registries Workshop — October 22-25, Rockville, MD USA
A workshop on Improving Standardization and Data Quality in Caribbean Cancer Registries will be held October 22-25, 2018 at the Shady Grove Campus of the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Health, Rockville, Maryland.
This is an initiative of the IARC Caribbean Cancer Registry Hub (based at CARPHA) in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The four-day workshop will include a number of interactive activities, including country-specific updates and practical sessions on standardizing registry procedures, data quality assessment techniques and coding. The persons targeted to participate in the workshop are those currently involved in the collection and quality assessment of cancer registry data at population-based cancer registries in the Caribbean.
This workshop represents a continuation of the collective efforts of the IARC Caribbean Cancer Registry Hub and its partners to further enhance the coverage, quality and networking capacity of population-based cancer registries in the Caribbean region, as a basis for cancer control. Specific objectives of the workshop are to:
1. Provide a basic background about Standard Operating Procedures of a cancer registry
2. Provide in-class training on the assessment of cancer registry data
3. Provide in-class training on coding primary site cancers and tumor morphology using ICD-0-3.
4. Develop a network among workshop attendees to provide support for each other for peer mentoring in their future work
Attendance at this workshop is by invitation only. For any queries, please contact Sarah Quesnel-Crooks, Programme Coordinator, IARC Caribbean Cancer Registry Hub at [email protected].
Global Cancer Registry Educational Resources
We have developed a core of global/international cancer registry resources that are accessible completely free. These resources are a collection of documents, resources, webinars, manuals, and other publications that may be viewed, downloaded, and retained in your account that is created when you log in. Please visit the site listed below and browse all that is offered.
Global Cancer Registry Forum
The Global Cancer Registry Forum provides an opportunity for those involved in cancer registries beyond the United States and Canada to benefit from the experience of NAACCR members, who have many years of experience in cancer registration, cancer surveillance and research. Please feel free to post questions or ask for resources and information. NAACCR members are eager to help, and have faced many of the same challenges.
NAACCR International Membership
This membership category includes individuals and organizations from countries other than the United States and Canada. Members in this category may participate in committees, work groups and task forces, but shall not chair a committee or vote in elections.
Membership benefits include:
– Having the individual’s name published in NAACCR lists such as the Membership Directory and the NAACCR website.
– Receiving reduced rates to attend the Annual Conference.
– Serving on NAACCR committees.
– Access to updated Standard Volumes and CiNA, and other published reports.
– Participating in the NAACCR Member Award Recognition Program.
– Access to the NAACCR Shortest Path Tool and NAACCR Geocoder.
– Access to CiNA data after RaPR approved.
The membership year is from June 1st through May 31st each year. Membership dues notices are sent to all members in June of each year.
NAACCR is proud to acknowledge partners in global cancer surveillance efforts. These organizations have many resources available and we encourage you to visit their web site for membership benefits and other information.