2016 Poster Presentations

2016 Poster Presentations

2016 NAACCR Annual Conference Poster Presentations


Note: Not all poster presentations were submitted in digital format. Those that were are listed below. Click on the abstract name to view the poster.

Poster Number Abstract Number Abstract Name
P-01 3455 Colorectal Cancer Predictors and Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Adults Aged 50-64 Years, 2007-2011, Georgia
P-02 3457 Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Body Organ Masses with Histopathological Correlation: A Five Years & Five Months Study in Tikrit City- Iraq
P-03 3466 County-Level Racial/Ethnic Disparities of Lung Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the United States, 2004-2012
P-04 3471 Designing an all-purpose base map for presenting North American cancer data
P-05 3491 The relationship between breast cancer incidence, mammography and income in New York State
P-06 3497 Length of central cancer registry operations: effect on multiple primary cancers and survival estimates
P-07 3498 Multiple primary cancers in the United States, 2007-2011
P-08 3504 Incidence and survival results from the Cancer in Young People in Canada (CYP-C) surveillance system
P-10 3518 The Burden of Cancer and Benign Brain Tumors among Massachusetts Residents Reported with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C from 2002-2012
P-11 3537 Description of Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors on the National Cancer Data Base, 2004-2011
P-12 3542 A comparison of cause-specific survival with relative-survival for the most common cancers in Taiwan
P-13 3544 Impact of Cancer Incidence Reporting Delay on Relative Survival Analysis
P-14 3556 Trends in Incidence of Tobacco-Related Cancers in New Jersey by Sex and Race, 1979-2013
P-15 3558 Development and implementation of a novel web-based application integrating cancer registry data into survivorship care plans
P-16 3563 Data Reports: They Can Always Get What They Want
P-17 3565 Cancer in Ontario: A review of current and historical cancer statistics, 1981-2016
P-18 3577 Using Registry Data to Increase Palliative Care Referrals
P-19 3580 Risk of Developing Colorectal Cancer after Surviving a Female Specific Cancer in Puerto Rico
P-20 3587 Understanding Theories of Cancer in Population Cancer Surveillance
P-21 3588 Using NAACCR Survival Tables to Look at Deaths
P-22 3589 Establish if the use of bio-marker testing has increased and the impact on treatment over time
P-23 3599 Incidence and Mortality Trends of Colorectal Cancer in Puerto Rico: 1987–2012
P-24 3600 Rising Thyroid Cancer in Puerto Rico, 1987-2013: Access, Excess, or What?
P-25 3604 Emergency presentation and short-term survival among colorectal cancer patients enrolled in the Government Health Plan of Puerto Rico
P-26 3613 Cancer treatment delay statistics for six major types of cancer in the state of Missouri
P-27 3615 Descriptive Epidemiology of Breast Cancers among Take Charge! Screenings, Oklahoma, 2004-2013
P-28 3616 Obesity, Tobacco and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma in Ohio
P-29 3621 The Association Between Physical Activity and Depression Among Cancer Survivors Residing in Brazil
P-30 3625 Missouri Thyroid Nodule Electronic Database MU-TNED Long-term study of thyroid nodules
P-31 3495 New Jersey Goes QuaCRs! Improving the Quality, Completeness and Timeliness of Hospital Reporting to the Central Registry Using Hospital Quality Reports
P-32 3502 Parallel observational studies in a post-marketing setting assessing the incidence of osteosarcoma among teriparatide users versus a comparator group of nonusers by linking state cancer registry data to data from two large pharmacy claims databases
P-33 3505 Operations and Preliminary Results of a Linkage of Cancer Registry Data and HIV Data
P-34 3509 Comparing Electronic, Synoptic Pathology Reports to Traditional Narrative Pathology Reports
P-35 3513 Tumour Stream Identification from Optical Character Recognition of Faxes
P-36 3516 California Meaningful Use Data Reporting Update
P-37 3520 Completeness of Source-level Data Items Based on Type of Source
P-38 3532 Innovative Approach to Improve Completeness of Treatment in Cancer Registry Data
P-39 3547 Using geographic information systems to analyze data to expand the reach of the Indiana Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (IN-BCCP)
P-40 3553 The Argument for Collecting Abstracting Relationships from Reporting Facilities
P-41 3559 Try and Try Again: Early Experience with Meaningful Use Registration and Reporting, Utah
P-42 3560 Methods for Batch Estimation of Attribute Association Error Probability (WITHDRAWN FROM JUDGING)
P-43 3567 Improving Collection of Data Pertaining to Alcohol and Tobacco Use (WITHDRAWN FROM JUDGING)
P-44 3573 California’s Efforts to Reach Automated Visual Editing
P-45 3575 Utilizing Registry Plus™ Web Plus as a Gateway to Electronic Reporting: Improving Efficiencies at the New Jersey State Cancer Registry
P-46 3585 Effective Enhancements: Use of Tools for Monitoring Completeness of Cancer Reporting in Maryland
P-47 3601 Automated Linkage: Creating a New Tumor for an Existing Patient
P-48 3605 Warning! Is it really a DCO?
P-49 3607 Death Clearance: Single vs Multiple Causes of Death
P-50 3612 Meaningful Use, Electronic Physician Reporting, and the Texas Cancer Registry
P-51 3619 Impact of Cancer Cases Reported by the Veterans Affairs Central Cancer Registry to the Ohio Cancer Incidence Surveillance System on Completeness of Reporting
P-52 3624 Industry and Occupation Data from Registry and Death Certificates
P-53 3626 Trend Analysis of the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) Program Evaluation Instrument (PEI) for the Years 2007-2015
P-54 3623 Feasibility and Utility of Processing Pathology Reports in eMaRC Plus: A Graduate Research Assistant’s Perspective on a Pilot Study
P-55 3628 Feasibility and Utility of Processing Pathology Reports in eMaRC Plus: Missouri Cancer Registry (MCR) Management’s Perspective on a Pilot Study Conducted by a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)
P-56 3629 Creating a Global Updates Script Library to Use for Data Quality Control: Gateway to Process Improvement for the Missouri Cancer Registry and Research Center (MCR-ARC)

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