NCCR Funding Opportunities

NCCR Funding Opportunities

View of brown folders, with focus on grants label, Concept of funding, 3D illustration


NAACCR offers grants and awards to U.S. Central Cancer Registries. The NAACCR Grant/Award Program is specifically designed for U.S. based Central Cancer Registries. Announcements will be posted here when funding becomes available. Each opportunity will be managed, critiqued, and monitored. Once funds are awarded, NAACCR will work directly with recipients to monitor project progress and adherence to deliverables of our funding

Your registry has qualified for the opportunity listed below.  Interested registries should submit a single application by clicking on the “Apply Here” button and completing the application as instructed.

Linkage with NCCR Using Virtual Pooled Registry: 
(Grant/Award: Funding TBD): To perform annual VPR linkage with the NCCR to help identify subsequent primaries within the NCCR cohort. Deliverables include the following:

  • Participate in annual VPR linkage between your full registry file and the NCCR cohort file to identify subsequent primaries
  • Utilize the VPR system and standard protocol for linkage using Match*Pro
  • Perform manual adjudication of possible matches
  • Submit data to IMS for incorporation into the NCCR

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