New 2018 radiation items – edit enforcing blank before 2018?

Home Forums Edits Vendor and Central Registry Metafile Administrators New 2018 radiation items – edit enforcing blank before 2018?

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    AnonymousLoretta Huston

    In looking through the v18B edits, it doesn’t appear that there are any edits prohibiting the new 2018 Radiation data items (for example, Phase I Radiation Treatment Modality) from being coded on cases diagnosed before 2018 — only that they MUST be coded for 2018 and forward. Are such edits planned for the future? If not, may we suggest this (or adding this criteria to existing radiation/dx date edits)? That would seem consistent with many other data item edits. Our central registry often sees problems with hospitals submitting data items that did not exist or are invalid for the case’s diagnosis year. They will code them inappropriately and then realize this and submit corrected abstracts (or will add them for inappropriate years when updating other items on old cases), which causes a lot of manual review and consolidation work for our central registry. Thank you!

    Jim Hofferkamp

    Hi Loretta
    We are working on edits to help enforce reporting radiation for pre-2018 cases. I hope to have them in the next edits release.

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