Meningioma AFTER Malignancy

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  • #10378
    AnonymousDavid Couch

    I have just spent over 2 hours trying to get a Meningioma to validate in Metriq. I finally issued a 1 in the override box even though there is not a edit explanation on why I should have to do this. The error I was getting is listed below.
    When I searched for the error on the Edit Detail Report I came across There are some exceptions to the above rules. For instance the case may be the only or the first of multiple malignant cases for a patient (Sequence Number–Hospital = 00 or 01), but there is an earlier benign case (with an earlier year of the Date of 1st Contact) for which the Accession Number was initially entered. For such cases there is an over-ride (Over-ride Acsn/Class/Seq) provided, which should be set to 1.
    This should be clarified to say if you have a benign after a malignant primary to code 1 in the override also. This is very confusing and needs to be fixed. Why can it not just validate like a normal case?

    Error Number: 1 (3151)
    Edit Name: Accession Number, Class of Case, Seq Number (COC)
    Edit set Name: Elekta18B – Extended
    Edit Error Message: Conflict among Class of Case, Accession Number–Hosp, Sequence Number–Hospital, Date of 1st Contact, Date of Last Contact
    Field(Pos): Class of Case (790)=> 00
    Field(Pos): Accession Number–Hosp (745)=> 201700145
    Field(Pos): Sequence Number–Hospital (754)=> 60
    Field(Pos): Date of 1st Contact (759)=> 20180618
    Field(Pos): Date of Last Contact (2775)=> 20190203
    Field(Pos): Over-ride Acsn/Class/Seq (2574)=> <BLANK>
    Field(Pos): Date of Diagnosis (544)=> 20180618

    Jim Hofferkamp

    I’m sorry to hear that! I took a look at the edit detail report and you are correct. We will get it updated.

    I’ll see if can’t update the error message as well. The one you got wasn’t very helpful.

    AnonymousMorgan Arron

    nice post i like it.

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