Confused by GEPv5 vs GEP NCDB 27

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  • #4611
    AnonymousJoanne Sanders

    Hi, Team.
    We’re getting our Call for Data under way. I just installed NCDB_27_v16_GEP4 on Friday, and planned to run my exported file through GenEdits today. However, I just received an email about a new GEPv5 to be released in February. Do I need to wait for GEPv5 and re-run my Call for Data file through there before submitting?
    Thank you


    Hi Joanne,

    Please refer to the section of the announcement labeled: Schedule for Adoption of EDITS50 Tools. 2017 is a transition year, during which EDITS40 and EDITS50 will both be supported. You should go ahead with your plans to use the NCDB-provided software for your current call for Data.


    AnonymousJoanne Sanders

    The nomenclature had me confused but you resolved that. Thank you for the efficient clarification; we’ll run it this afternoon
    (FYI, though I’d checked the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” checkbox, I did not receive an email when you replied.)



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