cN number not specified

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  • #3274
    Jim Hofferkamp

    TNM N, SSF 3 Melanoma of Skin (CoC)
    TNM Clin N, Digestive, Assess Nodes SSF (COC)

    Both of these edits compare a SSF that looks at the clinical status of the lymph nodes to the cN data item. Most of the sites covered in the digestive tract edit require the number of positive lymph nodes to assign the N category. Melanoma also requires a number of positive lymph nodes to assign an N value.

    Recently, AJCC has clarified that for sites such as colon or melanoma where the N value is based on the number of positive lymph nodes an cNx should be assigned if the number of nodes is not specified.

    We had to update the two edits above to allow an cNx when a code is used in the SSF’s that indicates clinically positive lymph nodes, but number not specified. Prior to updating the edit a cN1 would be required.

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